The Accident That Was

It was supposed to be a lunch date with three (actually, four, Ghing included) of my girl friends. We never thought that a simple lunch date would turn out to be a not-so-disastrous one.

It was like ages since we had Tin and Ghing with us. It was always Glenna, Iris and me. Since it was Tin's rest day, she joined us for (free) lunch courtesy of Iris, who just celebrated her first year with a big time company.

And since Tin would be driving her car, we decided to dine at Market! Market! for a change of scenery since it's always been Glorietta or Greenbelt for us. Off we go. We just decided to meet up with another friend, Ghing, since she worked at the vicinity. After all the troubles we had in finding where the exact location of Market! Market! is, we finally found the building parking across it. The only problem now is to find a parking space. If we only knew that the second level was not as crowded as the first one, we should have gone there instead of going in circles trying to find a space. We were like on our second attempt and we're about to go to the second level parking when we all hear a thud, like we're slightly thrown off our seats. The picture says it all.

Luckily, no one got hurt, but I guess the car owner, Tin, was a bit shocked of what happened. On my point of view, it was not our fault (really!), I saw the other car, a Chevrolet, slowed down, I guess, a few steps before they hit us. I was wondering then why still it happened since Chev's driver was aware that they did slowed down. He was just telling us that it has something to do with his brakes. I guess he was man enough to talk to us calmly and was aware that it was partly (but I think it was mostly) his fault. They settled what needs to be settled, exchanged numbers, signed papers then off we go to the second level to park. At last!

I almost forgot about Ghing who was to meet us up for lunch that turned to be a late lunch (it's more proper to say that it was an early dinner, rather than late lunch since it was already past 3PM). So much for wanting to have lunch with friends.

Tin, I can't help myself but to get involved when you were talking to Mr. Chev. Without you knowing, I had this "tampo" because of something. I guess it's my nature to care, and that's how much I love you, all of you. (^_^)

It was a different story that you guys have to see how my body reacted to the foods that I ate, in that case, the anniversary cake. The cake was superb, it's just my allergy hinders me that day to finish what was left. :p


Mom and I are not in speaking terms again. (What's new?) We had an argument last night about some things. This is not new to us though, I hope this ends soon.


I'm in a middle of deciding what to do in the next couple of days and this image is what best describes me right now. It's as if I'll be having another mistake if I chose wrong.

In the past few weeks, work has not been a helpful environment for someone like me. It just made me more confused as to what to do with what I am experiencing now. As far as I know, it was not really the global crisis that caused our account to be dissolved, but I couldn't care less whether it was recession or not, what's bothering me is what will happen next.

For two weeks, 19 of 20 teammates went through Communication Enhancement Training, 'to further' enhance our communication skills, as what the HR says. And in that two weeks, me, being hesitant of transferring to a voice account (call center term, voice account means you do take calls. Yes, there are non-voice accounts in call centers too.) applied for a job opening in a company where four of my former colleagues are now working. I was thinking that in a span of one week, they (the company that I applied with) would be able to decide if they'll hire me since they said that they really needed people to do the work.

After the two weeks communications training, from 19, 7 of us were transferred to a technical support account which deals with cordless phones, then client specifics training started. And this is where the dilemma started. I hate starting something if I won't be able to finish it or use it to help me with my career. I was torn between quitting the training and just wait for the call from them, still I have this something in me that asks: what if they don't hire you and you already quit training? So, what I did was attend at least a few days of training while waiting for their call. My three days of waiting had passed and all I got was a message that they will have the decision by Monday if I'll be qualified or not. So there it goes.

Today is Sunday. I am praying for just one thing. Since I knew they already got two for the three vacant posts, all I'm praying is: please let them get another one who deserves the job more than I do. I'm not being picky, just that I already finished a week of client specs training. It would be a waste of my time if I had gone that far then quit. Please, God, let them choose someone who is more qualified than me.


Yes, I was told beforehand that I am being considered for the remaining post and it's not just plain bragging.


I wasn't really told as to who was picked for the post, but a friend, who took the exam hours after I did, sent a message telling me that she was contacted and told to report for work, but only for a trial period of one month. (Are we products to be tested? LOL) What happens if she didn't pass the trial period? Call another applicant? I just hope... (will not end my blog so as not to hurt my friend who referred me to that post)

Of Boys...

Over Flowers...

I thought I was over the F4 Fever when I first watched its Taiwanese version, Meteor Garden, in 2003 but I just proved myself wrong. It's so hard to get over the story... and the BOYS!

There are a lot of differences that I've noticed as I was watching BOF
here. And to avoid being a spoiler, I won't say any of it. It's up to you to find out what are those. With Meteor Garden, I was really into Dao Ming Si and Mei Zuo, I never really paid attention to Xi Men until I saw BOF. (Well, I'm not really talking about the Taiwanese characters here but more of the actors who played the role. It's easier for me to remember BOF characters if I relate and call them by their Taiwanese character names, gets?)

It was Kim Bum's character (Xi Men in MG) that made me feel like I was 16 again (I was 24 when MG was shown here). I often kid about it and tell my sister that Yi Jung, his Korean character's name, can stay here if he wants, since he's not into nice, idiotic and involved-with-my-friend girls. I am qualified since I am not nice, not idiotic (or so I say) and I'm not friends with Geum Jan Di.
*laughs sheepishly* While almost all who are watching and who have watched BOF are into Jun Pyo (Dao) and Ji Hoo (Lei), there I was 'drooling' and going gaga over Yi Jung.

I do believe *evil laugh* (a personal joke), the Koreans did a good job interpreting Hana Yori Dango. It was like MG and MG2 rolled into one. I just wished they did justice choosing a more good looking Geum Jan Di. My sister never fails to tell me EVERY TIME that she looks like Ms. Cynthia Patag, no pun intended, especially when Jan Di smiles.

My desktop and mobile phone is flooded with BOF photos. Ugh! *smiles*