On Bullies & Bullying

Wrote this for a friend's daughter, for school use. 




Two words but are best defined by the word bully. 

Who are the victims? How are they being targeted? And why? 

What can we do to prevent and stop bullying in our community and outside of it? 
Image from Google
By definition, it came from the root word BULLY, which means to seek harm or to intimidate or to oppress. It means these bullies mean harm to another and are the oppressors, these bullies wants to be on top of the game by playing unfairly, by hurting the others. Cyberbullying is no different except most hide themselves behind the power of the internet, their keyboards and masks themselves differently. 

Who are the victims? They are the people who find themselves powerless and weak. The ugly and weak. The kind-hearted and weak. They are the people that these bullies find weak. It is easy for these bullies to abuse them physically, verbally, mentally and emotionally all because they perceive them as weaklings. That these people will not fight back because they see them as weak beings. These bullies will make these weak people believe that they are no good, that they don't deserve anything good in the world. That is how these bullies play with their minds. These bullies do so because bullies believe that they are powerful and above everyone else. Most of the time, these bullies became the victims first and are now revengeful. They are avenging something that has happened to them in the past with the wrong people. 

We, as students and as part of the school community, can do something to stop bullying, may it be in person or cyber-bullying. We can act solo or as a whole -- as a community. 

First, if we have been a victim before, let us learn how to forgive ourselves for not standing up for us, forgive those people who did not help us, but most of all, forgive those who sinned us. By truly forgiving ourselves from how we were when we were the victims, we can stop us from being the bullies. 

Second, let us be more compassionate. If we see victims of bullying, let us not look the other way, don't let their cry fall on deaf ears. If these victims cannot fight for themselves, and are scared to fight, let us be there for them. Not to fight back but to lead them to proper channels. We have teachers and guidance counselors here to address it accordingly. 

Third, let us not look for faults. There are reasons why a student is not as bright as we are, not as beautiful as the prettiest girl here. There is a reason why someone is clumsy, why someone is having difficulty expressing him or herself. There is a reason for all the things around us. Let us not be too quick to judge. By being more understanding, patient and kind with one another comes more time for us to know why someone is weak, learn someone's soft spot. This applies even outside the school, there in the real world. In a few years we would be out there. We will be faced with even bigger bullies. If we can do these things here at school, if we can start it here, what are the chances that we cannot do it outside? The change has to start somewhere, somehow. Why don't we make it NOW. Let us all be the bigger person.

As Ellen Degeneres always say, be kind to one another. 

Pre-Bullying Piece

I am sick, missed work and at home, someone asked me for help to write a piece about bullying. Then it made me feel like writing again. Will post it once it has been presented. 

Things I do when I am sick in the gut.