Run, Ivy, Run!

Come April 18, I'll be running my very first 5k marathon. I don't know how I'm gonna do that but I will, God willing.

I've been running for almost two weeks now, though not every day, I am running on weekends in Forest Lake. It's my way of preparing to run the 5k marathon. Aside from that, I've been frequenting the gym for almost a month now. I still can't see the effects (if I'm really losing weight or not) but I love my visits, it makes me feel good.

I want to 'like' running like I used to (I used to practice/train when I was in grade school) but it's different now. I am way heavier than I was before and I stopped running for almost 20 years. Maybe if I wasn't diagnosed to have asthma before I may have been a runner today. I may not be as heavy as I am now. My BMI says I am obese. Well, I know I am. I know that I am overdoing some things (eating, that is) and not doing what was advised (exercise) but I am trying to change it now. I maybe years late in trying to keep a healthy lifestyle but what the heck, at least I am trying and doing it.

I have given up smoking a few weeks after hitting the gym. I still have my empty cig case and my lighter with me but they've been put to no use since then. I cut on my rice intake. Been trying to have one rice meal a day and I think I'm kinda good with it. (I was rice-less before for 3 weeks). Munching more veggies, drinking lots of water. The only thing that I am having a hard time doing is to sleep early but I know I can, in time.

My cousin Paula is my running buddy. She's the one who's pushing me to get my fat ass off the bed and run. Well, I thank her for that and I hope all her efforts for bugging me will pay off. I really want this to work. I want to shed off these fats and run faster. I am somehow getting hooked to running. I may not run the whole 5k during my 'semento runs' but at least I am trying to lift my obese body, hit the pavement and run. I am (and I want) going to finish my first 5k run.

Who knows, I may be able to run 10 or even 21k by next year. *keeps my fingers crossed*


Fristine said...

I'm rooting for you!

Keem said...

Go Ivy! :D

*tintin rejano* said...

antaray ate! go go go! yahoo!

Miss Ivy Nicanor said...

thanks guys!

Honda said...

go, yaka mo yan!!!

eRLyN said...

uy kame 3k lang. hehe anyway kita kits sis.