
I just found this in my notes, wrote this when I watched My Sassy Girl at the office

Destiny is the bridge you build to the one you



I was about to give a gift to someone, she's actually a friend, but hesitated because she might think of it the wrong way. I know we haven't been the best of friends neither you can say that we are close but I don't want her to think that I am giving it to her because I'm still after him. Nah, I just want to make her smile (at least I thought so) nowadays. I know that the book will be of help in her situation. I'm giving myself until tomorrow to think if I'll go give her the book or not. :)


I've changed my mind. I won't give it so as to give you peace of mind. :)


I did this last night. It's so me. :))


Pics taken from a four-day Christmas celebration, from Dec 23-26. So many things happened such as The Missing Ice Cream, foods falling from the ref (sorry po, Lord!), resurrection of The Missing Ice Cream, trouble finding a KFC resto, food that was almost delivered during our first break instead of lunch break and most of all, having the pantry almost to ourselves. :)

We had the following food from Tuesday to Friday

Dec 23, Tuesday, courtesy of Mommy MIles:
Amber's Pancit Palabok, Pichi-Pichi & Barbeque, Yellowcab Pizza

Dec 24, Wednesday, courtesy of Ivey, Joyce, Merwin, Pearl, Ron & Met:

Red Ribbon's Spaghetti, Lumpiang Shanghai, Rice, Selecta's Rocky Road & Double Dutch, Leche Flan

Dec 25, THursday, courtesy of Mommy Miles, Jen, Ianne, Glecy, Nyce & Met:

Macaroni Salad, KFC, Buddy's Pancit Lucban, Halayang Ube, Leche Flan

Dec 26, Friday, KKB

We had Chef D'Angelo for lunch & Ice Cream for dessert.

The Story Of The Missing Ice Cream

We bought two half gallon of Ice Cream yesterday, Dec 24, Selecta's Rocky Road and Double Dutch. It was a celebration for our team since this is our first Christmas together. We've been having celebrations since Tuesday, Dec 23. We're composed of ten agents and realistically, we can't finish one gallon of Ice Cream in one sitting because we had spaghetti, lumpiang shanghai and leche flan with it. So, as NORMAL people would do, we put The Ice Cream at the freezer, so that we can still have it on our 2nd break. Second break comes and only two of us ate. Then we put it back in the freezer.

We came to work today, Dec 25, excitedly because we'll be having another SUPERB lunch. We were able to eat The (leftover) Ice Cream during the first break. It may not be half-filled, still, it's food and someone paid for it with his/her "hard-earned" money. Lunch break came, we had fun at the pantry. We had macaroni salad, 1 bucket of KFC, leche flan and halayang ube. We were all hoping that The Ice Cream is still at the freezer, so we never bothered to check before having lunch since we'll be having The Ice Cream for dessert. Luckily, when we're about to get it, there was no Ice Cream, no Rocky Road, no Double Dutch in sight!!!

Someone stole The Ice Cream!!!

Someone who is stupid, ignorant and idiotic took our Ice Cream and replaced it with A BAG OF ICE. Maybe that STUPID,IGNORANT & IDIOTIC SOMEONE thought that we won't come back for The Ice Cream.

Dude, whoever you are, KARMA's on your way now. You thought of saving The Ice in favor of The Ice Cream, smart, eh? You should've asked around first. That is what you call MANNERS!!!


I am not a big fan of movies that shows rivalry among siblings, neither a fan of those telenovelas that showcases it but I am one of those who experiences A LOT when it comes to this.

A day or two ago, yes, in time for Christmas, I had an argument with my mother, who unconsciously favors my older sister, our eldest. She really denies it that she favors one of her three daughters. It was all because of a rubber shoes that she has been keeping. It was just in the box for almost a year. She never let me and my younger sister use it. She's been telling us that it's hers and she'll use it some time. Earlier that same day she decided to give the shoes to my Ate, who's in the province, who's earning just for herself, who worries nothing but herself. She gave it just like that. In all fairness to Mama, she told me, when I got home from work, that she had the shoes sent to Ate.

It was not just the shoes that pisses me off. It was everything that came to mind, between me and my sister, that really took my patience. Way back when we were young, Ate is two years older than me, all our clothes were alike, it was always a smaller size of what Ate had. Shoes were the same, though different size. Even our school shoes, bags, socks. Everything was the same between me and her. It's as if we're twins. The bad thing is I despise it. All those was given to me not because it looks good seeing sisters wearing the same clothes, it was because it looks good on her and that doesn't make me comfortable. We used to have this particular dress, of course, same style and color, that I hate. Mama would often say that we look like dolls. Not in my case. I look terribly awful. I'll try find a copy of that picture.

It feels bad to have and argument with Mama, it feels bad that I envy Ate up until now, and why she favors Ate that much. I can't find an answer and I can't figure out why. Is it because Ate looks more like Mama and I don't? I know I'm too old to blab about these stuff but I just can't help it. I can't.

Miss Understanding

It's a literal translation of missing someone whom you had a misunderstanding. That's what I'm feeling right now. I badly miss this person, but I want to point out something to her about this very important thing we've discussed, and one of the reasons behind this HUGE misunderstanding. I just want her to be there in her son's growing up years. I don't want her son to feel the same feeling his mother felt when she was young, (the usual drama: mother is not around because she's working, blah, blah, blah...). In all fairness to her (I'm the one who's more stubborn, I don't send her emails, I don't leave messages for her, in other words, I am trying to avoid/ignore her), she's been trying to burn bridges by doing the exact opposite of what I'm doing. I just feel bad for her kid, though I know that the kid's been well taken cared off, but still, her presence is much more important than any other material things that her work can offer.

She may have her own reasons for not being there by her kid, but I'm seeing things out of the box, I know its very hard to raise a family nowadays, but if I were in her shoes, I wouldn't trade my time with my kid working abroad.

(Sighs) I just miss her so much. I hope she knows.

(1)This will be her third Christmas & New Year working abroad, and first with her kid, if she only wishes to be with him.
(2) I think I should have my own kid as well, so that I wont be bothered by things like this.
(3) Can anyone give me a cute little baby boy or girl for Christmas?


The beauty of Anawangin. Will post some pics here soon.


I still have one unfinished blog, hope that I could find time to squeeze it in, maybe this weekend when my new (?) pc is at home... still searching what to use, smartbro, globelines or pldt dsl?