Farewell, Michael Jackson

I watched Michael Jackson Memorial through CNN.com Live, and was deeply touched by how the Americans/non-Americans loved Michael Jackson and undoubtedly never left his side. Some paid their respect/shared their talents singing/playing MJ's songs, such as Mariah Carey and Trey Lorenz' better-than-their-released-rendition of 'I'll Be There'; Lionel Ritchie's heartwarming version of 'Jesus Is Love'; JHud's 'Will You Be There'; John Mayer's guitar-and-back-up-singers-only 'Human Nature'; Jermaine singing MJ's favorite song, 'Smile'; Usher's version of 'Gone Too Soon' which made most of the Facebook viewers post that it was the song that really made them cry (I just hope they really did) and not to forget Stevie Wonder's 'Never Dreamed You'd Leave In Summer'. Some of the King's friends spoke of their praises such as Smokey Robinson, quoting Nelson Mandela and Diana Ross; Queen Latifah who recited a poem by by Maya Angelou entitled 'We Had Him'; Berry Gordy, Motown founder; Kobe Bryant & Magic Johnson had their own share of story to tell; Rev. Al Sharpton shared a speech on how Michael kept rising, how MJ made the world united through his music. I was touched by Brooke Shields' I-nearly-cried-but-I-didn't speech, reminiscing their childhood and how their friendship blossomed into a lifetime sharing of experiences. Marlon, his brother, shared a story on how he was able to identify Michael even though he was wearing a disguise. Telling him that he (Marlon) knew that it was him even though he was in disguise because he is his brother. Cliche as it may sound, blood is (always) thicker than water. And then there was Paris' speech, on how Michael 'has been the best father you could ever imagine.'

One more thing that caught my attention since MJ died was the fact that his family, in spite and despite of their own problems, stayed as a family and showed support not just to MJ's kids but to each other as well. This is the kind of family that the whole world should have, not that I patronize whatever issues, be it the truth or not, they have in them. Almost all his sibling had their own time sharing (even those that are not supposed to be shared in public) their trials and tribulations to the public, still they remain true to what a family should be, 'be there for each other'.

The world may have lost another icon, another father to his children, son and brother to his family, the fact will remain that Michael Jackson shared his life and talent unselfishly, letting the whole world know that a man, who may not be as perfect as what the world wants him to be, shared his life, his talent and his being human to all, not just to gain praises but to leave something, a legacy that the next gen and the generations to come will be proud of.

As the memorial services end, there was this quote that struck me: THE KING OF POP WILL BOW TO THE KING OF KINGS. Sad but true. Hats off to King of Pop, so long, Michael Jackson.

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