What's New?

It has been six months since my last post. I was preoccupied with a lot of things that I neglected this blog. The last six months was never easy though. Seemed like I was working two full time jobs. Nonetheless, the latter part of the year was, I guess, what made 2010 a memorable one. 

I'm Back!

And hopefully, I can keep my promise to be really back here.

Extra E(ffort)!

My efforts are worth it, or so I thought.

During my last 5K run in the hilly hills of South Forbes Sta. Rosa, Nestle had this booth for Nestle Wellness and my stats shows that I lost 8 kgs in 3 months. It just doesn't show because I am doing the wrong thing, gym-wise(?). The nutritionist told me that to be able to see the effects of losing weight and if I want to see if my arms, stomach, thighs and legs changing its size, I should use light weights as oppose to what my gym instructor told me, if I can lift heavier weights, then do.

Um, gym instructor, I want to lose weight and not be a body builder?

Anyhoo, I am starting to do what the nutritionist told me. One more thing, I was planning to go on my 'oatmeal' diet (did that 2 years ago and boy, I really lost weight!) but she told me to eat more in moderation than do the said diet because it won't help me sustain energy. I am now living in bread, water, coffee, water and once-a-day rice meal, wherever that rice meal falls, except dinner. And I am back to loving the gym, I just recently won McCormick gift pack from the dance class, Bhangra Bollywood, I attended sponsored by Women's Health and I won McCormick spices.
And at the end, all I need is MORE effort to reach my goal.

Happy (?) Feet

What to write?

My last post was about my first ever 5K run. I already had my second two weeks after that, my third would be in a couple of days and now what? I am getting hooked into this running and I am not doing anything to help myself. Well, the once-a-month footspa helps as well as the constant visit to the gym but until I have these excess weight in me, I am doing no good for my body, most especially my feet which carries all my weight, not just when I run but ALL the time. Much as I love running, please, Ivy, help yourself and have mercy on those two feet of yours. :(

In layman's term, I am still overweight. :))

Health: My First 5K Marathon

I did it! I made it to the finish line for my first 5K marathon.

It was not an easy 5K. I have to run/walk and modify my breathing technique so as not to feel the 'side stitches' and to keep up with most of the runners from all ages.

The first few minutes were grueling. I had my mind set that I would finish the race in 1 hour 10 minutes maximum since I've been practicing running the 5K loop in the gym and the results are not that good. Well, what more can I expect? I wasn't sure if my legs/feet can carry all 76 kilos of me. But my leg strengthening exercises at the gym worked. Weeks before this, I tried to add more time doing cardio and leg exercises. If I was doing 50 kg at the seated leg press, I changed it to 75 kg, from 3 reps of 12 to 3 reps of 15. My elliptical training level changed from level 5 to level 9, just to intensify and strengthen my legs. My problem that time was how my legs would carry all my weight all throughout the 5K run. Then came vertigo.

I had a week long vertigo attack and that was a week before my 5K run. It bothered me more because I want to participate in the marathon and challenge myself to finish the said race. I was even thinking that I won't be allowed to run because of this. A few days before April 18 and days after that vertigo attack, I tried to do another 5K loop at the gym and see how bad was the damage. I can barely finish 5K without getting dizzy and worst, my average speed was 13-15 minutes per kilometer. But the stubborn part of my being didn't allow anything to be a hindrance and I'm glad I am somehow(?) stubborn.

Finishing my first 5K marathon is a big deal. It means I am getting close to achieving my goal of shedding off these fats and make myself feel MUCH better. From 36.4 BMI, it went down to 33.7 and it's all because of (very) hard work. Next mission is to lose more pounds, lower my BMI and to run another 5K come May 2.

Run, Ivy, Run!

Come April 18, I'll be running my very first 5k marathon. I don't know how I'm gonna do that but I will, God willing.

I've been running for almost two weeks now, though not every day, I am running on weekends in Forest Lake. It's my way of preparing to run the 5k marathon. Aside from that, I've been frequenting the gym for almost a month now. I still can't see the effects (if I'm really losing weight or not) but I love my visits, it makes me feel good.

I want to 'like' running like I used to (I used to practice/train when I was in grade school) but it's different now. I am way heavier than I was before and I stopped running for almost 20 years. Maybe if I wasn't diagnosed to have asthma before I may have been a runner today. I may not be as heavy as I am now. My BMI says I am obese. Well, I know I am. I know that I am overdoing some things (eating, that is) and not doing what was advised (exercise) but I am trying to change it now. I maybe years late in trying to keep a healthy lifestyle but what the heck, at least I am trying and doing it.

I have given up smoking a few weeks after hitting the gym. I still have my empty cig case and my lighter with me but they've been put to no use since then. I cut on my rice intake. Been trying to have one rice meal a day and I think I'm kinda good with it. (I was rice-less before for 3 weeks). Munching more veggies, drinking lots of water. The only thing that I am having a hard time doing is to sleep early but I know I can, in time.

My cousin Paula is my running buddy. She's the one who's pushing me to get my fat ass off the bed and run. Well, I thank her for that and I hope all her efforts for bugging me will pay off. I really want this to work. I want to shed off these fats and run faster. I am somehow getting hooked to running. I may not run the whole 5k during my 'semento runs' but at least I am trying to lift my obese body, hit the pavement and run. I am (and I want) going to finish my first 5k run.

Who knows, I may be able to run 10 or even 21k by next year. *keeps my fingers crossed*

As February Ends

The month is about to end and I haven't done anything news-worthy with my two blogs. I need to write at least four or five for the other one and at least two here. I am trying my best to recall my Jeepney moments for the last two weeks and something that is worth writing/reading for this one.

News is out, err, not really out, but I was told earlier that I'll be getting my $50 on Tuesday for my referral and another $50 three months after Brian's regularization. I need to share this blessing with Brian.

A client, name to be withheld, annoyed me earlier. Though it's sweet of him toadvise us that he'd be calling in tons of recorded dictation, we, especially me, doesnt expect it to be that MUCH. So much of work stuff, I am glad that it's EOM and I'll be getting something really nice.

BTW, I was able to get my fitness program from Gold's Gym the other day, and boy, I need to sweat it all out. Cardio Baby! Burn, Baby, Burn! Seriously, my (pretty) trainer, Lara, created that fitness program, in line with the company's get healthy program, each of us has a fitness program to follow and goals to achieve so that the company's money won't go to waste. My boss, Fristine, for example includes running a 5k marathon in her goals and she feels that she is slowly(?) inching her way to achieve it. Kudos to all of us! This is one of the perks of working for CiviCom.

My February

This is supposed to be the love month but since I've been loveless (no bitterness there!) for almost three years, (yes, it's by choice) I'll just say that this month is the birthmonth of my other blog.

Mid-February, I put up this blog, Life In A Jeepney Ride which is an outlet for my daily musings of my supposed to be daily commute. Heck, I tried, really tried to make it as daily as it can but work gets in the way. But of course, I wouldn't let it win. I will still write for that blog, especially now that I have a new schedule, thanks to my team lead and bosses.

New thing for me this month is the company started its health campaign. We have a six-month contract (renewable) with Gold's Gym Alabang. We actually started a day after Valentines. We have 12 sessions in a month and the best part of this is it's FREE! I still have to go back for my evaluation and the program that the trainer will be giving me. I'm crossing my fingers that this Gold's Gym activity will work. A brand new, spanking hot E-Series Nokia phone is at stake here.

What else is new? Nothing much except that I am waiting for the EOM salary, that's it.


It's been what, a week after 2009 end but still it seems like 2009 to me, nothing much is changing. I'm still after those 2009 happenings. I just wish there is something worth remembering this month aside from a friend's wedding, a cousin's birthday, Nanay's death anniversary, homeowners election and the likes. I can't even find one great event for this month. I definitely can't attend to Christian's 'pa-Christmas' on the 10th because it's the same day as the election here at Golden City. My gawd, I really need someone (or at least something) to focus on to, aside from work, of course. I can't still go back to school this June since my sis won't be graduating until next year, so much for my back-to-school target date. I am meaning to do a Novena but can't start it just yet. I dunno what's keeping me but I still feel that it's not the perfect time yet. I am not back to my old self. I was hoping that it would change this year but no, i'm still the 'tamad' person that I was back in 2009. I can't even pray the rosary religiously. MAJOR FAIL! I know there's something wrong, can't put my finger on it now, but I am sure there is. I want to start 2010 all over again and start with what needs to be started. *sigh*


I no longer 'crush' Al Posada. I'm over him, it must be the hormones that kicked in during those days that I was drop-dead gaga over him. *double sigh*

to do:
(1) Ask my sister for the (cell) phone that she was supposed to give me.
(2) Lose weight.
(3) Appointment with the eye doctor.
(4) Lovelife.

Happy 2010!

'tis the season to be jolly.... Happy New Year!

Wishing and hoping for a more meaningful, blissful, blessed and happy 2010!

Cheers to 2010!