
Been busy lately. The past two months was the busiest, I guess, and because of that, I somehow felt that I was depriving myself of sleep.

I've done 'something' that made my friends worried. 'It' was not really new to me. I've been doing 'it' since '08. Just that 'this' is new to these people and they were worried because they haven't heard from me in 12-15 hours. 

Thank you for worrying about my safety, I'm okay now. You guys are awesome, sorry that I made you worry. I promise not to do what you guys are thinking. I have bigger 'problems' to worry than think about 'that' and I won't do 'that' because of 'him'. AND PUHLEEZZZ, he is not worth doing 'it', excuzes moi! Over my dead, huggable body! :p


I've met Jude 15 years ago.

Playtime with Brian and Kit!

This is what happens when the three of us are together -- PICTURES!

What The!?

It has been another six months since my last post here. I am really sorry my dear blog (BLAG!)

To start off, I am really busy (?) with so many things. So many that in fact I can't name one thing that I was busy with. LOL.