What The!?

It has been another six months since my last post here. I am really sorry my dear blog (BLAG!)

To start off, I am really busy (?) with so many things. So many that in fact I can't name one thing that I was busy with. LOL.

Kidding aside, I've been busy with work, my personal life and HS! Yes, I've been to our HS Reunion last May 14 and prior to that, things, or lets say people (one person in particular) have changed me  in a lot of ways.

Work and personal (read:family) issues are not new to me, but this HS Reunion and getting close to people that you've been with 15 years ago and going back into their lives and messing yours (just this one person) made my last two months somehow interesting. I am glad though that I attended the Reunion, made friends to those that I didn't think I'd get close too and rekindling old friendships. Thank God for newfound friends and the old ones, they were the ones who was there when this guy came and left, or more of I was the one who came back into his life and as always, just like what he kept on doing before, leave me me hanging in mid-air, with a lot of unanswered questions and a broken heart. 

Well that is how I summarize the six months (or the last two months for that matter) that I was inactive here. I am hoping I could go back and write here on a regular basis. One more thing I stopped going to the gym for two months now because I am busy, not with the guy, but with work and this officemate/friend that I go home with everyday. (please note: we go home together, because our rides, not really ours but the ride going home, are at the same terminal)

What else? I have a new teammate. Hoping he could pass the 90-days evals or I hope to give him a passing grade after his 90-days eval. 

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