Labs Belle

Belle Mescallado-Ramos

She is one of the brightest during HS. She belongs to the creme of the crop. She is the editor-in-chief of our school paper back then. She got a lot of friends around her, from her section down to the lower sections. She is just being her.
Never in my wildest imagination that I though of getting close to her, but I did. It all started because of the HS reunion. Originally, I was one of those who started this HS reunion but because I live very far from where most batchmates are, it was impossible for me to be there when they started organizing. And then I met her, Belle. She is the 'what-you-see-is-what-you-get-and-more' type of person. I was kinda hesitant to get close to her before because she's from section one, and during HS, you know prolly know what it means being in the top section. But I never felt it with her. I never felt the difference with the treatment, most of these happened online at first, she talked to anybody, be it from their section down to the last. (I am not in the last section, by the way, I'm in Section 7, Alexandrite and she's in Diamond) She'll never make you feel that you don't belong to the group. All in all, she'll make sure that you feel at ease with her. Until May 14, 2011 came.

May 14, 2011 was our HS reunion. I have been talking to her online still I don't know how to approach her that night. So, I went to the venue, prior to that, we were exchanging SMS since I want to make sure that I know someone who's already at the venue by the time I got there. And then there she was, she hugged me as if we're friends since HS. We exchanged pleasantries as if we knew each other for a long time. What puzzled me most is I am doing it willingly and for someone 'masungit' like me, I don't get nicey with someone I just met. But with Belle, it was like I knew her for 15 years. And then the party.

The after party was the most exciting part of knowing her. We've been textmates since then. We've been each others confidantes. Of course we do have our own set of friends then and now but with us, it's like we're soul sisters. We're B1 and B2. We're like twins in our past lives. We just clicked! Oftentimes, even when we're just chatting online, we can end each others sentences or read each others' thoughts. Scary? Nah. It feels good to find someone whom you share the same wavelength, be it crooked or the normal wave. I am grateful that I found her at this point of time.

We shared stories that no one else knew about. We talked about things, guys, girls and everything that we can think of. And then at one of my craziest, she was there, along with some friends, hence we ended up calling each other 'LABS'.

Maybe if i knew her back then, it wouldn't be like this. Maybe it was bound to happen that we became friends now, at this time. There are a lot of 'maybes' running through my mind right now, but I don't care. I've met a friend and I am keeping her forever.

Labyu Labs!

1 comment:

Bella said...

Awwww... you are the sweetest, LABSKIDOODLEPOP!!! Thank you for this, for the friendship, for the overflowing love and concern and selos and everything that is in between... mwahugs!!!