My Thoughts on Grieving

   "A loss is a loss. Pain is pain. Losing someone you love is never easy and will never be easy how many years may pass. The pain will ease up but it will never be gone. The person may not be physically here but he will always be remembered for what he was and for how he was with the people around him."

    This is from my Facebook post back in 2014 when BIL died. Rings true until today. No one's gonna get over losing someone, much more a family member. It will forever leave a hole in our hearts, a void in our lives, emptiness no one can fill, sadness whenever a memory of that person pass us by. We will, in time, be able to move forward from what happened, will eventually learn to live without them but will be reminded of it anytime, anywhere and that is the saddest part of losing someone. You will forever carry them in your heart. 

    We will forever have them only in our hearts, in our broken hearts.

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