Thank You & Farewell, President Cory Aquino

It didn't dawned on me at first, for my mind was preoccupied with a friend's wedding on that same day, that I didn't really thought of the news that my Mom told me upon waking up. It was on my way home from Batangas that the news really struck me. It wasn't long ago that I posted a blog entry sharing my own story and how I relate to former President's and her family's situation.

Maria Corazon 'Cory' Cojuangco Aquino
, former President and the first female president, died of cardio-respiratory arrest at the age of 76 on the 1st day of August, Saturday, at 3:18 AM. It was, as Kris Aquino, youngest daughter of the former President, said it, happened almost after the last mystery of the Sorrowful mysteries. It was during the Memorare that the former President breathe her last breath.

Cory Aquino, being her religious self, was a devout Catholic, a Marian devotee, passed away on the 1st day of August (Saturday), the First Saturday of Devotion for the Catholics, at 3:18 AM, the Hour of Divine Mercy. As what a fellow blogger posted, heaven must be festooned with yellow, white and blue, colors of Cory Aquino and the Blessed Virgin Mary. She died 20 days earlier of her husband's 26th death anniversary.

She is well-loved by many (if not all) Filipinos because of the things she did during and after her presidency. She was the one who fought against the dictatorship of former President Marcos, was the one who brought back the press freedom, she gave us back our democracy and as most of the Filipinos said, she was the untainted President. She was even selected as Time magazine's Woman of the Year in 1986. Post presidency, she supported people against corruption and believed that unity can still bring the country back to its feet. One of those that she helped the most was Jun Lozada who fought a big fight against corruption (ZTE scandal). She stood by his side when almost everyone was casting stones on him. She touched the lives of so many Filipinos in her own way, even those who don't really know her personally has their own story to tell.

Farewell to our beloved (former) President Cory, a mother, a friend and a political icon who lived her life unselfishly and shared it with the rest of the Philippines. Rest in peace, Ma'am.

“I would rather die a meaningful death than to live a meaningless life.” - one of the meaningful quotes from Corazon Aquino

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